As we pass through our mother’s birth canal, we begin to attract entire colonies of bacteria. By the time a child can crawl, he has been blanketed by an enormous, unseen cloud of microorganisms—a hundred trillion or more. They are bacteria, mostly, but also viruses and fungi (including a variety of yeasts), and they come at us from all directions.
Germs are tiny microorganisms found in the air, on food, plants and animals, in soil and water and on most surfaces. They exist all around us. In fact, our bodies are home to an estimated 100 trillion“good” bacteria, many of which reside in our gut. Not only do we live in harmony with these beneficial bacteria, but they are actually essential to our survival by helping our bodies absorb nutrients and they produce several vitamins in the intestinal tract.
There is good reason however why regular cleaning and disinfection is essential in stopping harmful germs from spreading. They are behind a number of serious diseases—including pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae), meningitis (Haemophilus influenzae), strep throat (Group A Streptococcus), food poisoning (Escherichia coli and Salmonella) and a variety of other infections.
How do germs spread?
- People regularly touch their eyes, nose and mouth without necessarily realising it. Germs can enter the body in this way to cause sickness.
- Contaminated hands and poor hand hygiene spread illnesses like pneumonia, the cold, flu and MRSA as well as breathing in when someone infected coughs or sneezes.
- Touching objects like handrails, table tops and toys can spread germs and then be transferred to another person’s hands.
- Visiting a hospital ward or touching a sick or injured person.
- Taking out or handling rubbish.
- Touching animals or animal waste.
- Being bitten.
Eating and Drinking
- Germs from unwashed hands can be transferred to food and drink during the preparation process or while eating. Under certain conditions the germs are then able to multiply causing people to become sick.
- Foodborne illnesses include Salmonella, E-coli, Staph and diarrheal infection.
Preventing the Spread of Germs
Bacoban Germ Protection
Bacoban products range from water-based disinfectant wipes to biocompatible ready to use diluted solutions which kill germs with a sustained effect for long lasting protection against infection.
Simple hand washing adds to the hygiene initiatives supported by Bacoban to help save time and money by reducing the number of sick.
Germs are tiny microorganisms found in the air, on food, plants and animals in soil and water and on most surfaces.
- Contaminated hands and poor hand hygiene spread illnesses like pneumonia, the cold, flu and MRSA as well as breathing in when someone infected coughs or sneezes.
- Regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces helps prevent the spread of germs.
- Bacoban products range from water-based disinfectant wipes, ready to use diluted formulas and concentrates to biocompatible alcohol based solutions which kill germs with a sustained effect for long lasting protection against infection.
Salmonella · Bacoban kills bacteria in 5 minutes (EN 1040, EN 1276)